


Frequently Asked Questions about Webgenetics™

Please note that due to various reasons (such as various types/versions of browsers), the answer/solution to a particular question/problem listed here may not necessarily be correct with respect to your case if you have the same question/problem. Please don't hesitate to send us questions if you encounter a problem.

  1. What sequence formats are supported?

    Right now, only plain text, fasta and GenBank entry format are supported. But new format in plain text can be added if requested. Please see the details of sequence formats.

  2. How to fill in the sequence input area with the sequence from a file?

    This may be browser dependent. But the basic steps usually are similar. Here we describe the steps common for most browsers. You may use either one of the two methods below. Make sure the sequence file is a plain text file.

    • browse (if you see the browse button)
      You can either type the file name, including the path, in the input field or you can click the browse button to select a file on your computer.

    • copy and paste
      You can copy and paste into the text area below the browse button. (Or you can just type into the text area if you so choose.)

  3. Why the results I got seem always very strange or incorrect?

    There are several possibilities.

    • The input is not in format recognized by our programs. Make sure you don't send your sequence from output of some word processors, such as MS Word, not saved as plain text.
    • You did not send correct data. Make sure you fill in the sequence(s) in the input fields where sequence data are expected and the sequence type is correct (don't send a DNA sequence where a protein sequence is expected). A common mistake is to just type the file or sequence name.

    There might be other reasons not mentioned here. If you see something strange or not expected, or have other problems, please contact us at help.

  4. How secure to transmit my sequence data over the network?

    The connection to our site is through a secure channel. You should see a lock, unbroken, next to the web site address. That means that the data transmitted between your device our web site are encrypted.

  5. May I use a fake email address for registration?

    No. The system will send you a link to the email address you give at registration and you have to click that link to activate your account. As stated on our privacy page, your email address is used soly for commnunication between you and Webgenetics™ and will not be shared with anyone else.

    Though you don't need to register to run the programs, you'll get benefits by registering an account. For example, when you login, you can pick programs you use frequenctly into your own group.

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