In the output, the sequences of the new restriction sites, tagged with the names of their corresponding enzymes, are aligned with the sequence (but not wrapped if spanning over ends of sequence lines). The mutations needed are shown in upper cases. The translated amino acid sequence and their codon families are also aligned under the sequence. Note that it is critical to display or print the result with a fixed-width font in order to view the result properly.
You can scan a reading frame with a set of specified enzymes (a enzyme name must be given in the standard way with NO space(s) in it) or with all (commercially available) enzymes in the database (but only one enzyme is shown in the result if there are more than one isoschizomer; you can run another program on this site to list isoschizomers or enzymes that recognize the same sequence).
Several options are available for users to set some requirements such as types of cutting ends, cutting length, the number of mutations needed to create a new site.
Example: 342 bps, ORF: 100-201 Requirements: Commercially vailable Cutting length: 6 Mutations allowed: 1-2 M: A or C R: A or G W: A or T S: C or G Y: C or T K: G or T V: not T H: not G D: not C B: not A N: any agTact-ScaI gataTC-EcoRV tgatCa-BclI GatnnnnatC-Bsh1365I cGatCg-PvuI GgtCtc-Eco31I caatTg-MunI CgtCtc-Esp3I cTryag-BfmI ctCgtg-Bst2BI cGryCg-Bsh1285I AACAGCGAAGGGTATTATTTCCTTGTGTCAGATAAGATGCTATATGCAATAGTGATAAGC .80 .90 .100 .110 .120 .130 LeuValSerAspLysMetLeuTyrAlaIleValIleSer TTRGTNTCNGAYAARATGTTRTAYGCNATHGTNATHTCN CTN AGY CTN AGY catTgc-BsrDI cGatCg-PvuI cAattg-MunI ctryAg-BfmI gcAttC-BsmI ttcGaa-NspV CgannnnnnTgc-BcgI GdgChc-Bsp1286I cGryCg-Bsh1285I ACTATTCTATGTCCATATTCAAAATATGCTATTGAATACATAGCTTTTAACTTCATAAAG .140 .150 .160 .170 .180 .190 ThrIleLeuCysProTyrSerLysTyrAlaIleGluTyrIleAlaPheAsnPheIleLys ACNATHTTRTGYCCNTAYTCNAARTAYGCNATHGARTAYATHGCNTTYAAYTTYATHAAR CTN AGY AAAGATTTTTTCGAAAGAAGAAAAAACCTAAATAACGCCCCCGTAGCAAAATTAAACCTA .200 .210 .220 .230 .240 .250 Lys AAR